2024 CFF Technical Oversight Committee election

The role of this election is to fill the two (2) seats due for election this year on the Cloud Foundry Foundation TOC. The elected members will serve two (2) year terms. This is a brief summary of the election; for more details, such as how to become a candidate, see the README.


Anyone who has contributed to a Cloud Foundry Foundation project over the last year is eligible to vote. You will see either ELIGIBLE or NOT ELIGIBLE at the top of this screen. If Elekto fails to recognize you as eligible to vote in this election even though you believe you should be, please file a voting exception request within the Elekto app or via an issue on the community repository. The deadline for filing exceptions is June 16th, 11:59 pm PT.


May 22: Election is announced and candidate nomination period begins June 7, 5:00 pm PDT: Candidate nomination period ends June 7, 11:59 pm PDT: Election begins June 18, 11:59 pm PDT: Election ends June 20: Announcement of results

Changing Your Vote

With Elekto, you may revoke and re-cast your ballot until the election deadline of June 18th. To do so, set a passphrase when you cast your ballot; as long as you have that passphrase, you may re-cast your ballot by returning to the site.